Stop Guessing.
Smart assessment technology for everyday health and fitness professionals.
Want Results? Don’t Assess It…. AxIT!
Next-generation strength testing equipment and analytics software for assessing every client type.
Introducing AxIT, the all in one smart force plate and hand held dynamometer solution for everyday health and fitness professionals and your new best friend in achieving amazing results with your clients and in your business.
Get Hours Of CPD With Our Free Resources.
Learn how AxIT can help you bring the latest evidence based assessment techniques from the research to your health and fitness business.
Watch hours of free video content and download our research review PDFs by clicking the button below.

Don't Guess It... AxIT!

Use the AxIT system to test your client's muscle strength and power. You can test almost any muscle in the body and movements like squats, lunges, jumps, and push-up or balance.

Set Baselines
Collect meaningful, actionable data, measure strength and power imbalances, compare to matched normative data and identify key areas to be tracked over time.

Use AxIT results to target the right exercises to address deficiencies in strength, power and balance. Save valuable admin time with one click reporting and note taking.

Measure the effectiveness of your intervention, during the session or later, whether it's been a week, a month, or a year. Your data is securely stored so you can compare results and see your progress.
Want To Have A Quick Chat About AxIT?
Book a time to speak 1-on-1 with one of our team to learn more about pricing options and see if AxIT is the right fit for your clients and business

If within 30 DAYS of using our revolutionary AxIT system, you don’t find improvement in the way that you assess and manage your clients and get great results, WE WILL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK . That’s how confident we are in the AxIT system and the Strength By Numbers approach!

Sign up today for the AxIT system with the option to pay for your AxIT system over 1-5 years in equal monthly re-payments.

If you need multiple AxIT systems for your business our team would love to find the perfect solution to fit your needs.

"The system really pays for itself by retaining clients, getting great outcomes, creating new services and using it as a key point of difference in your marketing at sporting clubs or gyms. It will actually make you money!"
Luke Nelson
Sports Chiro Australia President

"AxIT is a game-changer and will become the future of assessment globally. I don't have to rely on an educated guess anymore....This technology allows us to make decisions that we can be much more confident in making and helps me get the outcomes we want to see quicker."
Carey Wheeler
Geelong Physical Therapy Centre